My Brokerage

BLOG Puzzle

3 Reasons Why Realtors Should Start Blogging

Nowadays, it may seem as though everyone is either starting a blog or already has one. However, don’t make the mistake of brushing it off as a mere trend. While blogging may have started off as a hobby, over the years, blogging has developed into a key element in most business growth strategies and spread into all manner of markets – just consider the growing popularity of realtor blogging.

Today, blogging has emerged as one of the best marketing tools any business can employ. There are few things consumers value more than free, quality content that helps them solve their problem or come to a purchasing decision. What’s more, if your business benefits from that purchasing decision, then your blog has helped your client address their needs at all levels.

More often than not, investing in a blog will reap rewards for your business for years to come. Articles published many years prior can maintain their relevance and continue to benefit your business. All other marketing strategies considered, blogging is a relatively cost-effective way of getting your business out there.

Why Realtor Blogging Is Beneficial

To date, there are well over half a billion blogs covering every topic imaginable. While you may think it futile to add a new blog to the sea of well-established ones, some of the best real estate blogs online today only emerged recently. 

Believe it or not, a blog can boost your bottom line and help get your business on the front page of search engines and your local newspaper. Realtor blogging is an especially useful way to help carve out a name for yourself in your local market. Whether or not you already have a dedicated website, here are three reasons why you should be blogging as a realtor.

Demonstrate Your Expertise

A professional real estate blog should showcase your strengths. If your goal is to promote your business, then developing a blog that complements your niche market will establish your voice as the authority on that topic. For example, if you specialize in luxury real estate, then a blog that canvasses issues that are specific to your market or client base would be ideal.

Real estate is an incredibly important investment. First-time homebuyers and experienced investors alike will always turn to a real estate agent they perceive to be most trustworthy. Speaking on issues relevant to your clients boosts your brand’s credibility. 

It’s easy to claim expertise on a certain skill or topic, but it’s another thing to demonstrate it. Showcasing your knowledge not only speaks to a certain level of self-confidence but also builds your clients’ confidence in you.


However, remember that real estate is a highly localized industry. That means that your blog doesn’t have to cater to a nationwide audience or compete with those that do. A blog run by your local broker may not rank amongst the top blogs in the country but may be key to their local success. If you sell homes in Miami, Florida, then your goal should be to establish your name and your authority in that market alone.

Boost Visibility and Increase Traffic to Your Site

Real estate agents’ blogs don’t just cater to existing clients. While blogs may go some way in helping you retain clients, they are primarily designed to attract potential clients to your real estate business.

Good content usually translates into popular content. Having free, accessible, and shareable resources that your existing clients can circulate opens the doors to new clients and new business opportunities. The more content your site offers, the more likely it is to increase traffic.

Informative blog posts are an excellent resource and common decision-making tool for consumers. A well-rounded real estate blog featuring helpful articles, educational content, and/or industry news is a great way to generate both traffic and leads to your business. Articles are also an effective way of demonstrating your commitment to abiding by the Realtor Code of Ethics by reflecting your professionalism and professional competency.

That said, keep in mind that a quality real estate blog doesn’t start and end with the content. The look and feel of your blog should communicate a level of professionalism to your potential clients. There’s no point in generating traffic to your blog only to have an unappealing design put off potential clients.

Establish a Community 

The concept of an online community tends to be associated with social media. Most people are affiliated with one community or another geared toward their specific interests, be it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Developing a social media presence is a great starting point when it comes to connecting to your clients. However, offering useful blogging content is a great way to sustain interest. Content that starts a conversation or asks a question, for example, is one way to build a relationship with your clients.

Customers that feel connected to a brand are likely to return. Real estate clients are hardy ever once-off buyers or sellers. Chances are, a first-time homebuyer will be looking for an upgrade or buy an investment property in a few years. Maintaining good relationships with your clients will pay off in the long run.


Whether you’re just starting out or are already established in the real estate market, a blog presents a unique opportunity to generate leads for your business, monitor your business’s growth, and give back to your community. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the industry, Tim Stout team’s real estate blog offers insight that caters to diverse interests.

Tim Stout

Tim Stout is the leader of My Brokerage, a group of realtors in Fayette county that have one goal in mind – give back to the community. These real estate professionals help people find their dream house, sell their homes, or acquire lucrative investment properties.

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